Bruised but Not Broken

BRUISED BUT NOT BROKEN Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed. He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heel. In life, we might experience different season of life that might hit us and cause the bruise in our life. The …

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Testimony of Dexter

Testimony of Dexter 24 August 2022 What a powerful testimony of a young man, lost and bound by drug addiction for over 18 years, with no hope and no purpose, pursuing a crazy life. It all started when his mom passed away. They lived in a big house, but then, two years later, his dad …

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Testimony of Devanand

Testimony of Devanand 10 August 2022 What a powerful testimony of a young man, who was trying to get rich the easy way and wanted to live a certain type of life, but backfired. At the time his parents where still together and both was working parents, but his dad was living a double type …

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Testimony of Winston

Testimony of Winston 03 August 2022 What a powerful testimony of Bro. Winston, addicted to drug addiction, gangsterism, in and out of prison for most of his life. After prison he resumed his life of addiction. Stealing from everyone, even from his own family. His own family turned their backs on him for his devastating …

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