Joshua Kotze Testimony

Testimony of Joshua Kotze
Interviewed by Pastor Dre Henderson
21 February 2024

Joshua says that his life was messed up and
that he always wanted to fit in and find was
looking for a sense of belonging. He then
found himself involved in toxic relationships.
Joshua says that it was always hard on him,
trying to put up an act to fit in.

How was your life like before you got saved?

How did you end up changing?

Joshua’s cousins, who attends Victory Outreach, had always nagged him to attend church with them. Joshua says that he always came up with excuses as to why he can't go but they kept asking and he finally decided to go, when it was a convention service.

At this convention called the Third Wave Con, Joshua got saved and felt the call of God directing him to join the UTC – to get trained and equipped in the word of God. He says that at the UTC he grew closer and closer to God and was blessed to be guided by amazing leaders.

How is God using your life today?

Joshua is currently serving on the GANG where he helps to encourage young adults and students in the ways of the Lord. He is also currently serving in the HSI which is a
high school ministry and says that if what he does can help someone to not experience what he did then he will be blessed by that.

A word of encouragement from Joshua:

“My encouragement to anybody listening would be, no matter how messed up or how jacked up your life is that God could still use you in a mighty way no matter your age or whatever how young you are or how old, God can still use you in a powerful way.

You would be amazed at how He can exceed your expectations. To the university students, if you feel overwhelmed with the studies and you don't know where to go it's OK to take your break. I took my break also and I went into the Urban Training Center and that gave me a calling that, that put the calling on my
life to help me find my purpose and help me embrace the call that was placed upon my life.

To the high schoolers you don't need to fit in you are born to stand out there's only one of you, God didn't make you to fit in with the rest of them God made to stand out.

So step out and be bold for Jesus.”
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  • GANG services every Friday @ 19:00pm
  • Sunday morning service at 08:00am & 10:00am
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    061 407 9474
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    Thanks for listening family. Stay blessed and stay connected.

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