Hello there. If you find yourself looking for an answer you have come to the right place.
See God created us with an emptiness that only He can fill.
- Drugs can't fill it.
- Partying can't fill it.
- Money can't fill it.
- Not even religion can fill it.
The only one who can fill that emptiness inside our hearts is Jesus.
The good news is you can invite Jesus in your heart today and be born again.
Here are the 5 steps to being born again.
- We are all sinners – The Bible says that we are all sinners. (Romans 3:23)
- The wages of sin is spiritual death. (Romans 6:23)
- God loves us that He gave His Son to die for us. (John 3:16)
- Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. (Romans 10:9-10)
- Believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead. (Romans 10:9-10)
If you would like to be born again by inviting Jesus in your heart to fill that emptiness, all it takes is a prayer.
Here is a prayer you can say:
Jesus I ask you to forgive me of my sin.
Cleanse me by the Blood that You shed on calvary.
I ask You to come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior.
I believe that You died for may sins and You rose again.
Since You are alive, I am asking You to live in me.
Help me to live for You from this day forward.
In Jesus Name I pray amen.
If you said that prayer, we would love to hear from you.
You can contact us at (061) 407-9474 or you can fill out our get connected form and we will get in touch with you.
God Bless you and welcome to the Family.