Testimony of Michael Wessels – Drug Addict Changed By God

Here is a powerful testimony of a Drug Addict Changed By God.

Interviewed by Pastor Dre Henderson

6 March 2024

How was your life like before you got saved?

Michael says that before he got saved his life was crazy, he had no direction, purpose, or vision. He says everything he did was to numb the pain. He started off smoking cigarettes and then weed and says that it just got worse from there.

Testimony of Michael Wessels - Drug Addict Changed By God

Michael says that he grew up in a good household, but his parents’ relationship was broken which brought a lot of pain to his life which caused him to look for love in all the wrong places.  He says he tried almost every drug that one can think of and was in and out of rehab, but nothing worked.

How did you end up changing?

Michael says a few years ago he hit rock bottom. He went to the Victory Outreach Men’s recovery home where God transformed his life completely. He says that God showed him how life in God is so much greater than the world.

How is God using your life today?

Today Michael helps other men in the Recovery Home and helps to encourage them to trust God in delivering them from their addictions.

A word of encouragement from Michael:

“The Bible says those who the Son set free is free indeed and it’s really amazing to be able to walk in that promise because being free from all that pain, being free from all that anger, being free from all that hurt is the most amazing promise God has ever given me.

I can wake up every morning with the joy of the Lord. I can walk in His promise, and I can see His promise come to pass every day of my life. If there’s anyone out there that’s struggling with drug addiction, If God can do it for me, He can truly do it for you.

If there’s anyone struggling with a friend or family member, don’t stop praying for them, just let them know that God has a plan and a purpose upon their life. If it wasn’t for my grandmother and my mom that prayed for me and believed in me every day I wouldn’t be here today.”

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  • Sunday morning service at 08:00am & 10:00am

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061 407 9474

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Thanks for listening family. Stay blessed and stay connected.

If you missed out on today’s radio segment, click here to listen to the full audio version of this testimony:


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